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Esoteric Astrology is a soul-centered astrology. Less concerned with our singular outward personality or what’s going to happen to us in this lifetime, esoteric astrology is about defining our soul’s contribution to the evolution of humanity. 


Esoteric Astrology has The Seven Rays, which are thought of as the fundamental energies behind all existence. The seven rays are a primal creative force and an expression of divinity. In esoteric astrology, all planets express their power through different rays in the different signs. 20 plus pages.


The rays are defined as such:

1st Ray: Will or power

2nd Ray: Love wisdom

3rd Ray: Adaptability

4th Ray: Beauty or Harmony

5th Ray: Knowledge or Science

6th Ray: Devotion

7th Ray: Ritual

Esoteric Astrology Natal Report

  • Please provide location of birth, exact time, day, month and year of the individual who the report is for. Provide the email you wish the report sent to.


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